Whether you´re staying at MasQi or not, you can join us and enjoy a huge variety of activities:
01 de September de 2024
Clase de Yoga Restaurativo basado en la técnica del maestro Iyengar de 90 minutos de duración.
A través de distintas ásanas (posturas) se trabaja el estiramiento de la columna, apertura de pecho y de caderas. Hacia el final de la clse se introducen posturas restaurativas en las que se alivian dolores articulares y musculares así como tensiones físicas y mentales.
In this sound session a journey will be made towards the stillness and serenity of the soul, with tools such as Amplified Immersive Sonotherapy, soundscapes, natural sensory stimulation accompanied by guided meditation.
Allow yourself a space of rest and total receptivity, in which you learn to consciously choose the harmony of your essential nature.
We perform a series of postures, breathing and sound that are integrated to prepare the body and ready the mind to enter a deep meditative state in which we let the Universe speak to us and we listen to it.
Why meditation helps us? How to start meditating?
Give yourself this moment for yourself, to be better and feel more fulfilled.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Breathe, feel, reconnect
With tools such as breathing and movement, we connect with our feelings, allowing you to give space and embrace all that we are.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Yin yoga is a slow practice of asanas, whose postures are normally performed on the ground, and are held passively for a period of time between approximately 2 and 5 minutes, thus achieving a wide stretch, calming our mind and body. body.
It is gravity that acts on our body, and stretching manages to reach the deepest layers thanks to the passive activation of connective tissues.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Se trata de una sesión de una hora de duración en la que abriremos el canal del canto conectando nuestro chakra de la comunicación a través de la armonia de mantras repetitivos. Una experiencia en grupo con el canto sanador.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Experiencia de relajación profunda originada por la vibración de cuencos de cuarzo. Su sonido envuelve el cuerpo como una ola, proporcionando una experiencia similar a un masaje enormemente sutil o a una profunda y serena meditación. La gente que experimenta los efectos de los Cuencos de Cuarzo describen su experiencia como una gran relajación física y mental, sensación de flotar, bienestar, plenitud... Producen importantes desbloqueos en el cuerpo físico y energético, por lo que se utilizan como una importante herramienta terapéutica.
Los cristales de cuarzo pueden vibrar u oscilar de una forma regular y tienen una estructura molecular interna en espiral (muy similar a la del ADN). Esto hace que los cuencos de cuarzo tengan unas propiedades sonoras únicas. Producen una onda sinusoidal pura y crean un sonido multidireccional que se expande hasta un kilómetro de distancia y que puede durar varios minutos antes de extinguirse. “El sonido parece que va a un oído, luego al otro, luego detrás, más tarde parece que viene del suelo. ¡Es un sonido envolvente natural!”, dice Gaudry Normand.
Este sonido pasa a través de nuestro cuerpo y nos hace vibrar.
Las vibraciones producidas por los cuencos de cristal de cuarzo activan nuestras células y penetran profundamente en todo nuestro ser.
Este verano ofrecemos sesiones nocturnas creando experiencias únicas.
It is a style of yoga in which the practitioner flows and evolves to the rhythm of the breath, becoming a dance, since each inhalation and exhalation creates a specific movement.
In this sound session a journey will be made towards the stillness and serenity of the soul, with tools such as Amplified Immersive Sonotherapy, soundscapes, natural sensory stimulation accompanied by guided meditation.
Allow yourself a space of rest and total receptivity, in which you learn to consciously choose the harmony of your essential nature.
Clase de Yoga Restaurativo basado en la técnica del maestro Iyengar de 90 minutos de duración.
A través de distintas ásanas (posturas) se trabaja el estiramiento de la columna, apertura de pecho y de caderas. Hacia el final de la clse se introducen posturas restaurativas en las que se alivian dolores articulares y musculares así como tensiones físicas y mentales.
We perform a series of postures, breathing and sound that are integrated to prepare the body and ready the mind to enter a deep meditative state in which we let the Universe speak to us and we listen to it.
Why meditation helps us? How to start meditating?
Give yourself this moment for yourself, to be better and feel more fulfilled.
Breathe, feel, reconnect
With tools such as breathing and movement, we connect with our feelings, allowing you to give space and embrace all that we are.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Yin yoga is a slow practice of asanas, whose postures are normally performed on the ground, and are held passively for a period of time between approximately 2 and 5 minutes, thus achieving a wide stretch, calming our mind and body. body.
It is gravity that acts on our body, and stretching manages to reach the deepest layers thanks to the passive activation of connective tissues.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Se trata de una sesión de una hora de duración en la que abriremos el canal del canto conectando nuestro chakra de la comunicación a través de la armonia de mantras repetitivos. Una experiencia en grupo con el canto sanador.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Experiencia de relajación profunda originada por la vibración de cuencos de cuarzo. Su sonido envuelve el cuerpo como una ola, proporcionando una experiencia similar a un masaje enormemente sutil o a una profunda y serena meditación. La gente que experimenta los efectos de los Cuencos de Cuarzo describen su experiencia como una gran relajación física y mental, sensación de flotar, bienestar, plenitud... Producen importantes desbloqueos en el cuerpo físico y energético, por lo que se utilizan como una importante herramienta terapéutica.
Los cristales de cuarzo pueden vibrar u oscilar de una forma regular y tienen una estructura molecular interna en espiral (muy similar a la del ADN). Esto hace que los cuencos de cuarzo tengan unas propiedades sonoras únicas. Producen una onda sinusoidal pura y crean un sonido multidireccional que se expande hasta un kilómetro de distancia y que puede durar varios minutos antes de extinguirse. “El sonido parece que va a un oído, luego al otro, luego detrás, más tarde parece que viene del suelo. ¡Es un sonido envolvente natural!”, dice Gaudry Normand.
Este sonido pasa a través de nuestro cuerpo y nos hace vibrar.
Las vibraciones producidas por los cuencos de cristal de cuarzo activan nuestras células y penetran profundamente en todo nuestro ser.
Este verano ofrecemos sesiones nocturnas creando experiencias únicas.
It is a style of yoga in which the practitioner flows and evolves to the rhythm of the breath, becoming a dance, since each inhalation and exhalation creates a specific movement.
The vibration and sound of this ancestral instrument lead us into a deep and healing meditation, transforming and rejuvenating us. The Gong releases physical and emotional blockages, reduces stress and tension, eliminates negativity and cleanses the subconscious mind. It brings joy, serenity and compassionate feelings to our lives, stimulates the glandular and immune system and regenerates the nervous system. It realigns and harmonises us on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and eliminates fears and reduces anger by taking us to a state of general well-being and inner peace. It is a unique instrument that raises awareness, connects with our true essence and opens our hearts.
Clase de Yoga Restaurativo basado en la técnica del maestro Iyengar de 90 minutos de duración.
A través de distintas ásanas (posturas) se trabaja el estiramiento de la columna, apertura de pecho y de caderas. Hacia el final de la clse se introducen posturas restaurativas en las que se alivian dolores articulares y musculares así como tensiones físicas y mentales.
We perform a series of postures, breathing and sound that are integrated to prepare the body and ready the mind to enter a deep meditative state in which we let the Universe speak to us and we listen to it.
Why meditation helps us? How to start meditating?
Give yourself this moment for yourself, to be better and feel more fulfilled.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Breathe, feel, reconnect
With tools such as breathing and movement, we connect with our feelings, allowing you to give space and embrace all that we are.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Yin yoga is a slow practice of asanas, whose postures are normally performed on the ground, and are held passively for a period of time between approximately 2 and 5 minutes, thus achieving a wide stretch, calming our mind and body. body.
It is gravity that acts on our body, and stretching manages to reach the deepest layers thanks to the passive activation of connective tissues.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Se trata de una sesión de una hora de duración en la que abriremos el canal del canto conectando nuestro chakra de la comunicación a través de la armonia de mantras repetitivos. Una experiencia en grupo con el canto sanador.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Experiencia de relajación profunda originada por la vibración de cuencos de cuarzo. Su sonido envuelve el cuerpo como una ola, proporcionando una experiencia similar a un masaje enormemente sutil o a una profunda y serena meditación. La gente que experimenta los efectos de los Cuencos de Cuarzo describen su experiencia como una gran relajación física y mental, sensación de flotar, bienestar, plenitud... Producen importantes desbloqueos en el cuerpo físico y energético, por lo que se utilizan como una importante herramienta terapéutica.
Los cristales de cuarzo pueden vibrar u oscilar de una forma regular y tienen una estructura molecular interna en espiral (muy similar a la del ADN). Esto hace que los cuencos de cuarzo tengan unas propiedades sonoras únicas. Producen una onda sinusoidal pura y crean un sonido multidireccional que se expande hasta un kilómetro de distancia y que puede durar varios minutos antes de extinguirse. “El sonido parece que va a un oído, luego al otro, luego detrás, más tarde parece que viene del suelo. ¡Es un sonido envolvente natural!”, dice Gaudry Normand.
Este sonido pasa a través de nuestro cuerpo y nos hace vibrar.
Las vibraciones producidas por los cuencos de cristal de cuarzo activan nuestras células y penetran profundamente en todo nuestro ser.
Este verano ofrecemos sesiones nocturnas creando experiencias únicas.
It is a style of yoga in which the practitioner flows and evolves to the rhythm of the breath, becoming a dance, since each inhalation and exhalation creates a specific movement.
Interpretation of original acoustic pieces on a chromatic handpan set in which, in addition to being able to hear and feel the shared melodies and harmonies, you will also be able to learn about the history and trajectory of the instrument.
A space to let yourself go and in which to participate as a close and direct spectator of the magic that is produced in it.
Clase de Yoga Restaurativo basado en la técnica del maestro Iyengar de 90 minutos de duración.
A través de distintas ásanas (posturas) se trabaja el estiramiento de la columna, apertura de pecho y de caderas. Hacia el final de la clse se introducen posturas restaurativas en las que se alivian dolores articulares y musculares así como tensiones físicas y mentales.
We perform a series of postures, breathing and sound that are integrated to prepare the body and ready the mind to enter a deep meditative state in which we let the Universe speak to us and we listen to it.
Why meditation helps us? How to start meditating?
Give yourself this moment for yourself, to be better and feel more fulfilled.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Breathe, feel, reconnect
With tools such as breathing and movement, we connect with our feelings, allowing you to give space and embrace all that we are.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Yin yoga is a slow practice of asanas, whose postures are normally performed on the ground, and are held passively for a period of time between approximately 2 and 5 minutes, thus achieving a wide stretch, calming our mind and body. body.
It is gravity that acts on our body, and stretching manages to reach the deepest layers thanks to the passive activation of connective tissues.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Se trata de una sesión de una hora de duración en la que abriremos el canal del canto conectando nuestro chakra de la comunicación a través de la armonia de mantras repetitivos. Una experiencia en grupo con el canto sanador.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Experiencia de relajación profunda originada por la vibración de cuencos de cuarzo. Su sonido envuelve el cuerpo como una ola, proporcionando una experiencia similar a un masaje enormemente sutil o a una profunda y serena meditación. La gente que experimenta los efectos de los Cuencos de Cuarzo describen su experiencia como una gran relajación física y mental, sensación de flotar, bienestar, plenitud... Producen importantes desbloqueos en el cuerpo físico y energético, por lo que se utilizan como una importante herramienta terapéutica.
Los cristales de cuarzo pueden vibrar u oscilar de una forma regular y tienen una estructura molecular interna en espiral (muy similar a la del ADN). Esto hace que los cuencos de cuarzo tengan unas propiedades sonoras únicas. Producen una onda sinusoidal pura y crean un sonido multidireccional que se expande hasta un kilómetro de distancia y que puede durar varios minutos antes de extinguirse. “El sonido parece que va a un oído, luego al otro, luego detrás, más tarde parece que viene del suelo. ¡Es un sonido envolvente natural!”, dice Gaudry Normand.
Este sonido pasa a través de nuestro cuerpo y nos hace vibrar.
Las vibraciones producidas por los cuencos de cristal de cuarzo activan nuestras células y penetran profundamente en todo nuestro ser.
Este verano ofrecemos sesiones nocturnas creando experiencias únicas.
It is a style of yoga in which the practitioner flows and evolves to the rhythm of the breath, becoming a dance, since each inhalation and exhalation creates a specific movement.
The ecstatic dance is a dance of free and conscious movement that, although it has an ancient origin, in the year 2000 it was reinvented on the island of Hawaii with the influence of electronic music mixed with live music.
This proposal invites us to connect with our true Being through dance and music, releasing any expectation, prejudice, freeing the chains of the mind to use the wings of our expressive freedom.
DJ KIN will be guiding the musical journey from Argentina with 15 years of experience in this type of experience.
En cada Puja de Gong facilitamos una experiencia única y exclusiva, de las que inevitablemente te tocan en lo más profundo.
La experiencia comienza a las 20:00h. con una Cena Oriental elaborada para la ocasión.
A las 22:00h. habrá una explicación detallada sobre la ceremonia de sonido y comienza la preparación.
A continuación, durante toda la noche, 6 fantásticos Gongs sonorán y vibrarán sin cesar. Podrás disfrutar de innumerables oportunidades para acceder al silencio sagrado que habita en tu interior y activar tus mecanismos naturales de auto sanación.
En nuestro diseño de Puja no puede faltar una práctica matutina para integrar la experiencia tan transformadora que vivirás a lo largo de la noche.
El cierre de la experiencia será un exquisito desayuno donde compartiremos impresiones.
¿Qué necesitas?
- Colchoncito hinchable o esterilla muy blandita y gruesa para dormir toda la noche cómodamente.
- La ropa de cama que necesites: sábanas, mantas, saco de dormir, almohada, etc.
- Kit de Yoga: esterilla, zafu o cojín, mantita.
- Botellita de agua.
- Ropa muy cómoda.
Una Puja de Gong siempre trae a tu vida claridad mental, desbloqueos físicos, emocionales y energéticos, prosperidad, un enorme bienestar y mucha paz.
Clase de Yoga Restaurativo basado en la técnica del maestro Iyengar de 90 minutos de duración.
A través de distintas ásanas (posturas) se trabaja el estiramiento de la columna, apertura de pecho y de caderas. Hacia el final de la clse se introducen posturas restaurativas en las que se alivian dolores articulares y musculares así como tensiones físicas y mentales.
Si eres un apasionado del yoga o te apetece probar esta disciplina te proponeos este día intensivo de Yoga en MasQi, con distintas clases y talleres y el brunch incluido.
We perform a series of postures, breathing and sound that are integrated to prepare the body and ready the mind to enter a deep meditative state in which we let the Universe speak to us and we listen to it.
Why meditation helps us? How to start meditating?
Give yourself this moment for yourself, to be better and feel more fulfilled.
This hatha class integrates physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayamas) and a work of inner consciousness that is reached through Relaxation and Meditation (mental stillness).
Yoga is a path that must be followed with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, continuous learning, a path inward, an awakening of consciousness, knowing oneself and reach fullness...
Breathe, feel, reconnect
With tools such as breathing and movement, we connect with our feelings, allowing you to give space and embrace all that we are.
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